
Discovery Educational Trust comprises Chase High School, Westcliff-on-Sea, Hogarth Primary SchoolKelvedon Hatch Community Primary SchoolLarchwood Primary School and St. Martin’s School, all in Brentwood.

This page provides links to policies that are documented at Discovery Educational Trust level and apply to all schools in the Trust.
For policies specific to each Trust school, please refer to the policies page on your child’s school website.

If you are unable to locate a policy please contact the schools directly:

Chase High School - Mrs Walton - samantha.walton@chasehigh.org

Hogarth Primary School - Miss Rogers - finance@hogarth.essex.sch.uk

Kelvedon Hatch Community Primary School - Main Office - office@kelvedonhatch.essex.sch.uk

Larchwood Primary School - Mrs Whitehead - admin@larchwood.essex.sch.uk

St. Martin's School - Mrs Isaacs - zisaacs@st-martins.essex.sch.uk

The school can provide a paper copy of all information published on this website upon request. No charge is made except where otherwise stated.

By Year 6, pupils are articulate, confident and ready for secondary school.
Ofsted, September 2022, Larchwood Primary School