About Us

Discovery Educational Trust is a Multi Academy Trust created when Larchwood Primary School joined with St. Martin’s School (previously a Single Academy Trust) in April 2014. At this time the Trust was called Brentwood Academies Trust and changed its name to Discovery Educational Trust in September 2020.

As a Trust, we aim to develop a vibrant partnership of primary and secondary schools, all united in one goal; to provide the best possible learning experience and environment, not only for our current children, but also for the next generation of pupils.

What is an Academy?

An Academy is a state-funded, community school serving local residents. Academies are accessible to all families, and remain part of the family of local schools. They provide free education for pupils of all abilities.

Each Discovery Educational Trust School has its own Local School Committee, and each Local School Committee includes representatives from the school’s parents and carers, from its staff and from the local community. Ultimate legal responsibility for all matters relating to each school resides with the Trust’s Board.

Our core purpose is to improve the life chances of our pupils, maximising their achievements, both academic and social.

Vision and Strategy

Our vision is that strong and effective leadership places our children and young people at the heart of everything we do.

We value relationships, which are open and honest, underpinned by kindness, trustworthiness and compassion.

Our Key Strategic Priorities for 2021 to 2025 are:

  • The Quality of Teaching;

  • Pupil Progress and Attainment;

  • Pupil Safety and Wellbeing;

  • Pupil Behaviour and Attitudes;

  • Strong and Effective Leadership and Management (including Governance);

  • Staff Morale and Wellbeing.

Full details of our vision, values and strategic plan are available in the below document. 

Vision Values and Strategic Plan 2021-25

Pupils make good or better progress in many subjects in all year groups. They make very strong progress in some areas, such as English, the Creative Arts and Mathematics.
Ofsted, January 2019, St. Martin's School